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CDP N° Year Place Ref Title Languages
COP19 2016 Greece IG.22/1 UNEP/MAP Mid-Term Strategy 2016-2021 FR EN ES AR
COP19 2016 Greece IG.22/2 Mediterranean Strategy for Sustainable Development 2016-2025 [MSSD] FR EN ES AR
COP19 2016 Greece IG.22/20 Programme of Work and Budget 2016-2017 FR EN ES AR
COP18 2013 Turkey IG.21/11 supporting the review of the Mediterranean Strategy on Sustainable Development (MSSD), proposed by the MCSD Steering Committee FR EN ES AR
COP18 2013 Turkey IG.21/12 supporting the reforming of the Mediterranean Commission on Sustainable Development (MCSD), proposed by the MCSD Steering Committee FR EN ES AR
COP18 2013 Turkey IG.21/14 Cooperation Agreements FR EN ES AR
COP18 2013 Turkey IG.21/17 MAP Programme of Work and Budget for the 2014-2015 biennium FR EN ES AR
CoP18 2013 Turkey IG.21/03 Decision on Ecosystems Approach including adopting definitions of Good Environmental Status (GES) and targets FR EN ES AR
CoP18 2013 Turkey IG.21/04 Action Plans under the Specially Protected Areas and Biological Diversity Protocol including Monk Seal FR EN ES AR
COP18 2013 Turkey IG.21/05 Identification and Conservation of sites of particular ecological interest in the Mediterranean FR EN ES AR
CoP18 2013 Turkey IG.21/06 Amendments of the Annexes II and III to the Protocol concerning Specially Protected Areas and Biological Diversity in the Mediterranean FR EN ES AR
CoP17 2012 France IG.20/04 Implementing MAP ecosystem approach roadmap: Mediterranean Ecological and Operational Objectives, Indicators and Timetable for implementing the ecosystem approach roadmap FR EN ES AR

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