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The Coastal Area Management Programme (CAMP) provides a framework for demonstration/pilot projects in selected Mediterranean coastal areas to demonstrate the application of Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM), with a view to implementing specifically the Protocol on Integrated Coastal Zone Management in the Mediterranean (ICZM Protocol).

The objectives of the CAMP are to:

  • develop strategies and procedures for a sustainable development in project areas;
  • identify and apply the relevant methodologies and tools;
  • contribute to the capacity building at local, national and regional levels; and
  • secure a wider use in the region of the results achieved.

CAP projects

CAMP projects have the goal to develop relevant implementation instruments and procedures for sustainable development in the project areas; to identify and apply relevant methodologies and tools; to contribute to capacity building at the local, national and regional levels; and to secure the broad use of the results achieved. Individual CAMP projects are identified and selected according to defined selection criteria.

A CAMP project includes a number of activities, to be integrated at the project level: a) database and GIS; the participatory programme; Systemic Sustainability Analysis; integration of project results, and b) a limited number of specific individual sectorial or multi-sectorial activities, according to project objectives and problems dominant in the project area.

SPA/RAC activities

SPA/RAC contributes in CAMP projects by taking in charge the activities related to the conservation of marine and coastal biodiversity.

Within this framework, SPA/RAC participated to the following CAMPs

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