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UNEP/MED WG. 607/5
Report of the Meeting [to be issued after the meeting]
Working documents
UNEP/MED WG. 607/1
UNEP/MED WG. 607/2
Provisional Annotated Agenda
UNEP/MED WG. 607/3
Preliminary findings of the mid-term assessment focusing on the Post-2020 SAPBIO start-up activities
UNEP/MED WG. 607/4
Draft Monitoring Framework for the assessment of the collective implementation of the Post-2020 Strategic Action Programme for the Conservation of Biodiversity and Sustainable Management of Natural Resources in the Mediterranean Region (Post-2020 SAPBIO)
Information Documents
UNEP/MED WG.607/Inf.1
Provisional List of Participants
UNEP/MED WG.607/Inf.2
Provisional List of Documents
UNEP/MED WG.607/Inf.3
Report of the 6th Meeting of the Post-2020 Strategic Action Programme for the Conservation of Biodiversity and sustainable Management of Natural Resources in the Mediterranean Region (Post-2020 SAPBIO) Advisory Committee [available in English only]
UNEP/MED WG.607/Inf.5
Guidelines to develop species recovery plans and implement emergency actions
Reference documents

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