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The marine biodiversity centre at the service of the Mediterranean countries

The Specially Protected Areas Regional Activity Centre (SPA/RAC) is an environmental organization established in Tunis in 1985 following a decision by the Contracting Parties to the Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment and the Coastal Region of the Mediterranean (Barcelona Convention).

SPA/RAC is one of the seven Components of the United Nations Environment Programme Mediterranean Action Plan (UNEP/MAP) - Barcelona Convention system. Its mission consists in supporting the Contracting Parties in implementing the Protocol concerning Specially Protected Areas and Biological Diversity in the Mediterranean (SPA/BD Protocol).

The Centre works closely with governmental and non-governmental organizations to conserve and sustainable manage threatened species, ecosystems and areas of particular natural and cultural value in the Mediterranean Sea.

SPA/RAC main activities

  • supporting Mediterranean countries in the creation and effective management of marine protected areas and Specially Protected Areas of Mediterranean Importance in the Mediterranean (SPAMIs);
  • developing and implementing strategies and action plans for biodiversity conservation and sustainable management of natural resources;
  • inventorying, mapping and monitoring marine and coastal species and habitats to complete the knowledge base on biodiversity;
  • creating and updating databases of specially protected areas and biodiversity ;
  • elaborating guidelines and other technical tools on the conservation and management of species, habitats and areas;
  • facilitating and encouraging the exchange of scientific and technical information through symposia, conferences, forums, and workshops;
  • organising capacity-building activities.


The principal source of recurrent funding of SPA/RAC activities and staffing is the Mediterranean Trust Fund (MTF). The Tunisian government provides support by hosting the Centre and assuming responsibility for part of the staff.

Additional funding is sought for actions that are clearly defined in space and time, either in response to international calls for proposals or through spontaneous proposals from sponsors, including voluntary contributions from countries, international institutions, donor agencies and the private sector.

Key moments in the SPA/RAC history: a timeline


  • 1st Earth Summit (Stockholm)
  • Creation of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)


  • Regional Seas Programme


Mediterranean :
  • Creation of the Mediterranean Action Plan (MAP)


Mediterranean :
  • Adoption of the Barcelona Convention


Mediterranean :
  • Adoption of the Specially Protected Areas Protocol (Geneva Protocol)


Mediterranean :
  • Creation of the Specially Protected Areas Regional Activity Centre (SPA/RAC) in Tunis


Mediterranean :
  • Monk seal Action Plan


Mediterranean :
  • 1st Meeting of SPA/RAC focal points (Athens)


Mediterranean :
  • Marine turtles Action Plan


Mediterranean :
  • Cetaceans Action Plan


Mediterranean :
  • Host country agreement for SPA/RAC
  • Rio summit – Adoption of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) and Agenda 21


Mediterranean :
  • Amendment of the Barcelona Convention
  • MAP phase II
  • New SPA/BD Protocol


Mediterranean :
  • Adoption of the 3 annexes of SPA/BD Protocol


Mediterranean :
  • Entry into force of the SPA/BD Protocol
  • Marine vegetation Action Plan


Mediterranean :
  • Adoption of the Principles of the Ecosystem Approach (CBD COP5)
  • 1st Mediterranean symposium on marine vegetation (Ajaccio)


Mediterranean :
  • List of SPAMIs
  • 1st Mediterranean conference on marine turtles (Rome)


Mediterranean :
  • MedMPA project


Mediterranean :
  • Adoption of the Strategic action programme for the conservation of biological diversity in the Mediterranean region (SAPBIO)
  • Marine birds Action Plan
  • Non-indigenous species Action Plan
  • Cartilaginous fishes Action Plan
  • 2nd Mediterranean symposium on marine vegetation (Athens)


Mediterranean :
  • SAPBIO launch


Mediterranean :
  • 1st Symposium on the conservation of marine and coastal birds (Vilanova i la Geltrú)
  • 2nd Mediterranean conference on marine turtles (Kemer)
  • International workshop on Mediterranean cartilaginous fish (Ataköy)


Mediterranean :
  • MedPosidonia project
  • Mediterranean workshop on red coral (Tabarka)


Mediterranean :
  • 3rd Mediterranean symposium on marine vegetation (Marseille)


Mediterranean :
  • Coralligenous Action Plan
  • MedOpenSeas project
  • 3rd Mediterranean conference on marine turtles (Yasmine Hammamet)


Mediterranean :
  • Adoption of the Regional working programme for the coastal and marine protected areas in the Mediterranean Sea including the high sea
  • 1st Mediterranean symposium on the Conservation of the Coralligenous and other calcareous bio-concretions (Tabarka)


Mediterranean :
  • MedMPAnet project
  • 4th Mediterranean symposium on marine vegetation (Yasmine Hammamet)


Mediterranean :
  • 4th Mediterranean conference on marine turtles (Naples)
  • Adoption of the Strategic plan for biodiversity & Aichi Targets (CBD COP10)


Mediterranean :
  • EcAp Med I project
  • Mediterranean MPA Forum


Mediterranean :
  • Dark habitats Action Plan
  • Monk seal strategy
  • MedKeyHabitats project


Mediterranean :
  • 5th Mediterranean symposium on marine vegetation (Portorož)
  • 2nd Mediterranean symposium on the conservation of the coralligenous and other calcareous bio-concretions (Portorož)
  • 1st Mediterranean symposium on the dark habitats (Portorož)


Mediterranean :
  • EcAp Med II project
  • 12th meeting of SPA/RAC focal points (Athens) – 30th anniversary of SPA/RAC
  • 2nd Symposium on the conservation of marine and coastal birds (Hammamet)


Mediterranean :
  • Adoption of IMAP and the MAP’s 2016-2021 Mid-Term Strategy
  • Adoption of the Mediterranean Strategy for Sustainable Development
  • Adoption of the Roadmap for a comprehensive coherent network of well- managed MPAs to achieve Aichi target 11 in the Mediterranean
  • Deep Sea Lebanon project
  • MedMPA network project
  • Mediterranean MPA Forum


Mediterranean :
  • Bycatch project
  • GEF Adriatic
  • Kuriat project
  • Marine turtles project
  • Odyssea project


Mediterranean :
  • Launch of the SPAMI Twinning Programme
  • Species project


Mediterranean :
  • IMAP/MPA project
  • QUIET MED 2 project
  • 6th Mediterranean Symposium on marine vegetation (Antalya)
  • 1st Mediterranean Symposium on the Non-Indigenous Species (Antalya) 
  • 3rd Mediterranean Symposium on the Conservation of the Coralligenous and other calcareous bio-concretions (Antalya)
  • 2nd Mediterranean symposium on the dark habitats (Antalya)


Mediterranean :
  • EcAp MED III project
  • MPA/NTZ project


Mediterranean :
  • Adoption of the Post-2020 Strategic Action Programme for the Conservation of Biodiversity and Sustainable Management of Natural Resources in the Mediterranean Region
  • Adoption of the Post-2020 Regional Strategy for Marine and Coastal Protected Areas and Other Effective area-based Conservation Measures in the Mediterranean
  • Adoption of the SPAMI Day concept
  • Mediterranean MPA Forum


Mediterranean :
  • ILIAD project
  • Med Monk Seal project
  • 7th Mediterranean Symposium on marine vegetation (Genoa) 
  • 2nd Mediterranean Symposium on the Non-Indigenous Species (Genoa) 
  • 4th Mediterranean Symposium on the Conservation of the Coralligenous and other calcareous bio-concretions (Genoa)
  • 3rd Mediterranean symposium on the dark habitats (Genoa)


Mediterranean :
  • Adoption of the Restoration Programme of Pinna nobilis


Mediterranean :
  • Amendment of the Barcelona Convention
  • MAP phase II
  • New SPA/BD Protocol


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