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With this second meeting organized by UNEP/MAP-SPA/RAC on 16 April 2021, the new strategy for Mediterranean marine biodiversity conservation is taking shape, following a strong bottom up process and a participative approach

The post-2020 SAPBIO elaboration is an inclusive process, aiming at the definition of a common framework for marine and coastal biodiversity conservation in the Mediterranean. The objectives and actions of the new strategy should be ambitious and transformational, but realistic in terms of the countries’ capacities and the prospects of international collaboration and finance. Therefore, partnership in the formulation of the post-2020 SAPBIO and its implementation has been a priority for UNEP/MAP-SPA/RAC throughout the elaboration process.

During the first step of the elaboration process, 21 national consultations and reports have been prepared in order to identify the main , gaps, challenges, needs and priorities for marine and coastal biodiversity conservation for each Mediterranean country. Then, 4 subregional workshops and   documents served to analyze and harmonize national orientations, synthesizing around 10 possible axes, that represent the common needs and transboundary opportunities at subregional level.

With the sub-regional process completed, the post-2020 SAPBIO elaboration process now moves to the second phase, starting with the 2nd Advisory Committee meeting, held on 16 April 2021, to allow the members present their views and priorities. As a reminder, the advisory committee brings together relevant international and regional organizations invited to participate in the planning process coordinated by SPA/RAC to ensure better complementarity and synergy between conservation actions in the future.

The post-2020 SAPBIO will address with these 10 possible objectives, mainstreamed under the 3 following goals (objectives and goals still to be discussed):
Goal 1. Reduce the threats to biodiversity

  1. Improve knowledge on marine and coastal biodiversity
  2. Address specific pressures on biodiversity
  3. An effective network of marine protected areas and OECMs
  4. Ecosystem health (GES) and restoration, and nature-based solutions

Goal 2. Ensure that biodiversity is preserved and used sustainably in order to meet people’s needs

  1. Sustainable fisheries in harmony with biodiversity conservation
  2. Mainstreaming and integration of BD within other socio-economic sectors

Goal 3. Put in place tools and solutions for implementation and mainstreaming

  1. Monitoring and reporting
  2. Capacity building and networking
  3. Outreach and awareness
  4. Mobilizing sufficient resources

These goals and objectives capture the needs expressed by the Mediterranean countries as well as the transboundary opportunities at subregional level, and are harmonized with the goals, targets, programs, of the CBD Framework draft, and all the main and most recent regional biodiversity agreements and strategies to 2024, 2027, 2030.

Further meetings will be organized in the coming weeks with the Advisory Committee and National Correspondents in order to finalize the draft of the Post 2020 SAPBIO that should be submitted to the SPA/BD Focal Points meeting for endorsement in June 2021.

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