QUIETMED2 Project « Joint Programme for GES assessment on D11-noise in the Mediterranean Marine Region »
Execution and partners
QuietMED2 is a project developed by a consortium made up of 11 entities including SPA/RAC, and coordinated by the CTN-Marine Technology Center del Mar.

Underwater noise is considered as a major threat to cetacean. Monitoring underwater noise is a component of the regional policies related to the marine environment monitoring, in particular within the framework of the EU Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD), as well as its complementary process at the Mediterranean level within the Ecosystem Approach (EcAp) process led by the Barcelona Convention (UNEP/MAP) to reduce its impact on marine biodiversity, in particular on cetaceans.
Several important achievements were obtained in the framework of the EU funded QuietMed Project.
The project goals
The project aims to support Member States Competent Authorities in the Assessment of the extent to which GES on Descriptor 11-Underwater noise, has been achieved in the Mediterranean Region by providing practical outcomes to implement the new GES Decision through:
- A joint proposal of a candidate for an impulsive noise indicator in the Mediterranean Region.
- A common methodology for competent authorities to establish thresholds values, together with associated lists of elements and integration rules.
- A data and information tool to support the implementation of the monitoring programmes of impact of impulsive noise based on the current ACCOBAMS register which will be demonstrated on
- An operational pilot of the tool.
- Several activities to boost current regional cooperation efforts of Barcelona Convention developing new Mediterranean region cooperation measures.
Principales activités du SPA/RAC dans ce projet :
- Identification approfondie au niveau national des capacités requises pour mettre en œuvre l'IMAP et fournir des données fiables et de qualité pour le MED QSR 2023.
- Renforcement des capacités et échange des meilleures pratiques au niveau national, sous-régional et régional à travers des sessions de formation et des réunions spécifiques.
- Surveillance intégrée/conjointe dans les AMP et les zones sous pression, effectuée dans les sites pilotes identifiés, pour les indicateurs communs convenus.
- Soutien à l'élaboration d'une stratégie de réseau national d’AMP pour la côte méditerranéenne en Égypte.
- Organisation du Forum 2020 des aires marines protégées en Méditerranée pour préparer le processus de l'agenda des AMP de l’après 2020 en Méditerranée.
- L'élaboration d'un document stratégique sur les AMP et d'autres mesures efficaces de conservation par zone en Méditerranée, conformément au cadre mondial de la biodiversité de l’après 2020 de la CDB, par le biais d'un processus participatif.
- L'élaboration de plans de gestion des AMP et appui de leur mise en œuvre.
- Amélioration de la gestion des AMP par le renforcement des capacités et le lancement de la mise en œuvre des plans de gestion.
the project includes 3 axes of activities, each axis representing a priority:
Priority 1. Support the assessment of GES on D11 in MED Region
- Joint Proposal of a candidate for an impulsive noise indicator in MED area.
- Assessment on existing guidelines and tools on biodiversity protection.
- Joint proposal of a methodology to establish thresholds in the Med area.
- Training session I and a workshop for Competent Authorities on GES
Priority 2. Complete gaps in monitoring data D11. Information and collection tools
- Information tool to support the update monitoring programmes of the impulsive noise impact indicator.
- Operational pilot of an impulsive noise impact monitoring.
Priority 3. MED Region coordinated measures
- Dissemination and communication
- Training session II for Competent Authorities on regionally coordinated measures
Beneficiaries coutnries
Spain, Italy, Malta, Greece, Cyprus, Croatia, Slovenia and Denmark.
This Project has a duration of 24 months starting on February 2019.
This project has received funding from DG Environment of the European Commission within the “DG ENV/MSFD 2018 call” under grant agreement No. 110661/2018/794481/SUB/ENV.C2
For more information on the IMAP-MPA Project, please contact
For more information on the QuietMed2 Project, visit the project Website:https://quietmed2.eu/