Towards an ecologically representative and efficiently managed network of Mediterranean Marine Protected Areas (the "MedMPA network" project)
Total duration
30 months (2016-2018)
The regional project "Towards an ecologically representative and efficiently managed network of Mediterranean Marine Protected Areas" is a 30-month project (2016-2018) managed by UN Environment/MAP, co-executed by SPA/RAC, WWF-MedPO and MedPAN, and financially supported by the European Union.
It builds on the achievements of the Strategic Partnership for the Mediterranean Sea Large Marine Ecosystem (MedPartnership project), including the Regional Project for the Development of a Mediterranean Marine and Coastal Protected Areas (MPAs) Network through the boosting of MPAs Creation and Management (MedMPAnet project). It contributes to the implementation of the Barcelona Convention and its Specially Protected Areas and Biological Diversity (SPA/BD) Protocol.
The global objective of the project is to support achieving a network of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) in the Mediterranean which ensures the long term conservation of key elements of the marine biodiversity and gives significant support to the sustainable development of the region.
Specific objectives:
- Strengthening MPA Regional Coordination and Networking
- Developing the MPA network in the Mediterranean
- Improving MPA Management
Main activities
SPA/RAC activities focus on the following actions :
- Establishing new MPAs through their ecological characterization (Batroun, Medfoun and Byblos in Lebanon) and management and business planning (Sallum MPA, Egypt; Jbel Moussa, Morocco; North-Eastern part of Kerkennah Islands, Tunisia) in order to extend the existing regional network and enhance its ecological representativeness ;
- Strengthening MPA regional coordination to ensure long-term networking through (i) the setting up of an ad hoc advisory group of experts focused on Mediterranean MPA issues under the SPA/BD Protocol and (ii) the organization of the 2016 Forum of MPAs in the Mediterranean(28 Novembre - 1er Décembre, Tanger, Maroc );
- Sharing information and raising awareness about MPAs in the Mediterranean by (i) upgrading and updating the Mediterranean MPA database (MAPAMED), (ii) elaborating the report of the 2016 status of MPAs in the Mediterranean, (iii) evaluating the 2020 MPA Roadmap implementation and (iv) developing information and communication tools on MPAs.
Beneficiary countries (national activities implemented by SPA/RAC) :
4 Mediterranean countries: Egypt, Lebanon, Morocco and Tunisia.
Target groups
MPA managers, practitioners and relevant authorities in the countries concerned by the project.
Brochure on the MedMPA network project (SPA/RAC activities):
The MedMPA network project is managed by UN Environment/MAP and co-executed by SPA/RAC, WWF-MedPO and MedPAN

The MedMPA network project is financially supported by the European Union.
The development of a Mediterranean marine and coastal protected areas involves partners but also men in deep connection with the sea. This film produced by SPA/RAC shows this connection and the process of an ambitiousand needed project.