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A scientific and technological immersion camp for 9–13-year-olds was organised from 31 July to 7 August in Kerkennah, to raise awareness on marine biodiversity conservation.

The Kerkennah archipelago in Tunisia is renowned for its ancestral fishing practices, but also for its unique natural features, such as the existence of Posidonia meadows, sheltering several species of fish with high commercial value. The pressure on natural resources has increased significantly in recent years, leading to the classification of the archipelago as a "sensitive area" by the Tunisian authorities. In 2017, the Agence de Protection et d'Aménagement du Littoral (APAL) and the SPA/RAC launched a process for the creation of a Marine and Coastal Protected Area in the north part of the archipelago.

The exceptional features of the site along with the particularity of the way of living, inherent to the sea, and the new perspectives that could be offered to the archipelago with the protection process, make Kerkennah a privileged site for education on environmental and conservation issues. A first scientific camp focusing on marine biodiversity was organised in 2019 for 50 students, including 15 from Kerkennah. Following the success of that first experience, the Youth for Science Foundation, SPA/RAC and APAL have renewed their partnership for a second edition, keeping the same formula: educating through playful activities, where the child is "always in the action by touching, manipulating and experimenting", explains Rym Zakhama-Sraieb, the camp's scientific manager.

The ultimate goal of the initiative is to raise awareness among the younger generation and to make the protection project part of a sustainable approach.

"Taking care of our environment is everyone's business, and it is something that can be learned from a very young age. Observing, analyzing, being aware and understanding nature to love it and act in a spirit of collaboration is the method we try to instill in young people," explains Khalil Attia, Director of the SPA/RAC.

"The watchword here is participation, exchange and involvement of local people in this process that APAL has launched with SPA/RAC," stresses Atef Limam, in charge of the IMAP/MPA project at SPA/RAC.

Note :

The science camp is supported by SPA/RAC through the IMAP/MPA project, co-funded by the European Union.

The event was featured in several articles and reports in La Presse de Tunisie:

To follow the news on social networks about the camp, use the hashtag #BiodiversityYouthCamp

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