Conservation of marine turtles in the Mediterranean Region.
Total duration:
36 months, from June 2017 to May 2020.
SPA/RAC coordinates the implementation of the project's activities with the following partners: ARCHELON, DEKAMER, MEDASSET, MedPAN, NMPZ, WWF Greece and WWF Turkey, WWF North Africa;
Beneficiary countries:
Albania, Algeria, Egypt, Greece, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Spain, Tunisia and Turkey.

Context and objectives:
The project aims to support the creation of monitoring networks and tools and a sustainable management plan for marine turtles and their habitats in the Mediterranean, through the implementation of harmonized monitoring protocols in line with Ecosystem Approach (EcAp) guidelines, and by adopting a participatory and integrated approach that consider both local socio-economic and environmental contexts.
This project also aims to assist the contracting Parties of the Barcelona Convention to fulfil their obligation under the SPA/BD Protocol, the Strategic Action Programme for the conservation of Biological Diversity (SAP BIO) in the Mediterranean Region, and the Regional Action Plan for the conservation of Marine Turtles in the Mediterranean.
In order to satisfy its objectives, the Project outlines 5 key strategies:
Strategy A: Applied research and monitoring actions on nesting sites and marine hotspots of marine turtles and their habitats while taking into account local environmental and socio-economic contexts.
- Spain, France, Italy, Algeria, Morocco
- Spain, France, Italy, Algeria, Morocco
Prospection des côtes tunisiennes à la recherche des sites de nidification de la tortue marine (French Only) - Libya
- Egypt
- Lebanon: Conservation of the Marine Turtles in Lebanon
Tissue sampling from nesting females and hatchlings for genetic studies (mitochondrial and microsatellite DNA) and analysis.
Strategy B: Reinforce coordination among concerned partners including decision-makers, scientists and MPA Managers. The aim is to implement harmonized management plans and monitoring protocols following a participatory approach and in line with the EcAp Guidelines.
- Organization of the Mediterranean workshop on Important Turtles Areas
- Contribution to the organization of the 6th Mediterranean conference on Marine Turtles.
- Integrate all collected data from known and new nesting areas as well as Sea Turtles stranding data in the Mediterranean Biodiversity Platform (http://data.medchm.net/en/)>
Strategy C: Build capacities for relevant stakeholders on the conservation of marine turtles and their habitats through training, exchanging, awareness and sharing of experience and information.
- Organization of Regional/Sub-Regional Trainings (Dekamer, June 2018)
Strategy D: Improve the management and the protection of nesting sites.
National Action Plan for the conservation of Marine Turtles in Tunisia (French Only)
- National Action Plan for the conservation of Marine Turtles in Lebanon
- Update of National strategy for the conservation of marine turtles in Spain
- Update of National Action Plan for the conservation of marine turtles in Libya
Strategy E: Reduce the illegal trade of sea turtles' products including through education, raising awareness and communication.
National Strategy to reduce illegal trade of Sea Turtles in Tunisia (French Only)
- Organization of consultation workshops on the national strategy to reduce illegal trade of Sea Turtles in Tunisia
- Organization of awareness campaigns/ Development of programme and information tools for fisherman, residents, stakeholders and local actors on Sea Turtles conservation and handling
- Assessment of the National Strategy Implementation

National partners:
Ministère de l'Environnement et des Energies Renouvelables (MEER, Algeria), Egyptian Environment Affair Agency (EEAA, Egypt), Ministry of Environment (MoE, Lebanon), Environmental General Authority (EGA, Libya), Haut Commissariat aux Eaux Et Forêts et à la Lutte Contre la Désertification (Morrocco), Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica y el Reto Demográfico (Spain), Ministère de l'Environnement et du Développement Durable (Tunisia) , Agence de Protection et d'Aménagement du Littoral (APAL, Tunisia)
Institut National des Sciences et Technologies de la Mer (INSTM)
Asociación Herpetológica Española (AHE)
Notre Grand Bleu (NGB), Association Tunisienne de la Vie Sauvage (ATVS), Association les Fans de la Chebba (AFC), Association Jlij pour l'Environnement Marin (AJEM)
Sources of funding:
The marine turtles project is financially supported by the MAVA Foundation.
For more information on the Turtles Project, please contact
Or visit the project website