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CDP N° Year Place Ref Title Languages
CoP17 2012 France IG.20/05 Amendments of the Annexes II and III to the Protocol concerning Specially Protected Areas and Biological Diversity in the Mediterranean FR EN ES AR
CoP17 2012 France IG.20/06 Adoption of the Work Programme and Implementation Timetable of the Action Plan for the conservation of marine vegetation in the Mediterranean Sea for the period 2012-2017 FR EN ES AR
CoP17 2012 France IG.20/07 Conservation of sites of particular ecological interest in the Mediterranean FR EN ES AR
CoP17 2012 France IG.20/11 Regional strategy addressing ship's ballast water management and invasive species FR EN ES AR
COP17 2012 France IG.20/14 MAP Programme of Work and Budget for the 2012-2013 biennium FR EN ES AR
COP16 2009 Morocco IG.19/4 Testing MAP Effectiveness Indicators FR EN ES AR
COP16 2009 Morocco IG.19/5 Mandates of the Components of MAP FR EN ES AR
COP16 2009 Morocco IG.19/6 MAP/Civil society cooperation and partnership FR EN ES AR
CoP16 2009 Morocco IG.19/13 Decision Regarding a regional working programme for the coastal and marine protected areas in the Mediterranean including the High Sea FR EN ES AR
CoP16 2009 Morocco IG.19/12 Amendments of the list of Annexes II and III of the Protocol concerning Specially Protected Areas and Biological Diversity in the Mediterranean FR EN ES AR
CoP16 2009 Morocco IG.19/14 Inclusion in the SPAMI List of: the Natural Reserve of Bouches de Bonifacio (France), the Marine Protected Area Capo Caccia-Isola Piana (Italy), the Marine Protected Area Punta Campanella (Italy) and the Al-Hoceima National Park (Morocco) FR EN ES AR
CoP16 2009 Morocco IG.19/15 Adoption of the revised implementation timetable of the "Action Plan for the conservation of Cartilaginous Fish (chondrichtyans) in the Mediterranean FR EN ES AR

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