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The MedFund: New Call for Mediterranean MPA

The MedFund: New Call for Mediterranean MPA

The MedFund launches a call for interest dedicated to support Mediterranean MPAs’ managers and co-managers by funding day to day management costs of these protected areas. In the framework of a ...

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Bientôt, en Tunisie, un guide sur les mécanismes de soutien financier de la gestion des AMCP

Bientôt, en Tunisie, un guide sur les mécanismes de ...

L’étude, menée par l’UNEP/MAP-SPA/RAC, contribuera à la pérennisation et la gestion durable des AMCP. Ce mardi 8 mars, s’est tenue une réunion de concertation au ministère de ...

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Lancement du classement de l’Aire Marine et Côtière de l’île de Rachgoun en Algérie

Lancement du classement de l’Aire Marine et Côtière de ...

La Commission des Aires Protégées de la wilaya d'Ain Témouchent approuve la demande de classement de l’île et donne le feu vert pour poursuivre et finaliser le ...

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The new project is being implemented as part of the MedProgramme initiative led by Barcelona Convention UNEP/MAP and funded by the Global Environment Facility (GEF).   The Specially Protected ...

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Barcelona Convention COP 22 adopts bold measures for biodiversity conservation and natural resources sustainable use in the Mediterranean

Barcelona Convention COP 22 adopts bold measures for ...

Branded the “COP for the Mediterranean”, the Barcelona Convention COP 22, held in Antalya, Turkey, from 7 to 10 Dec. 2021, adopted a set of action-oriented decisions to accelerate conservation of ...

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Deux nouveaux plans d’actions pour protéger les habitats marins en Tunisie

Deux nouveaux plans d’actions pour protéger les habitats ...

Le ministère del’Environnement tunisien et le SPA/RAC ont organisé le 5 novembre à Tunis un atelier devalidation de deux nouveaux plans d’actionnationaux pour la conservation de la ...

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Vers une meilleure conservation des habitats marins au Maroc

Vers une meilleure conservation des habitats marins au Maroc

Les autorités marocaines ont organisé, le 15 octobre dernier, un atelier de validation de deux nouveaux plans d’action nationaux pour la conservation de la végétation marine et du coralligène ...

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A new cooperation project to improve the environmental sustainability of Mediterranean

A new cooperation project to improve the environmental ...

UNEP/MAP-SPA/RAC is a partner in the new project “ENSERES” financed by the European Union. The kick-off meeting took place in Malaga on 20 October. The project ENSERES (ENhancing ...

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Mediterranean Solutions – an unprecedented opportunity to accelerate nature-based recovery at IUCN Congress

Mediterranean Solutions – an unprecedented opportunity to ...

In a critical moment for the Mediterranean region, 12 conservation organizations will be joining forces at the World Conservation Congress. The “Mediterranean Solutions” stand will host a series ...

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 The SPA/BD focal points held their 15th meeting

The SPA/BD focal points held their 15th meeting

The participants reviewed UNEP/MAP-SPA/RAC activities during the present biennium and discussed updated action plans, new measures and strategies for the conservation, monitoring and management of ...

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CORMON meeting on biodiversity monitoring in the Mediterranean

CORMON meeting on biodiversity monitoring in the ...

On 10-11 June 2021, UNEP/MAP-SPA/RAC organized the CORMON Biodiversity & Fisheries meeting to discuss, in particular, the elements of monitoring and assessment of marine turtles, birds and mammals, ...

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The Arabic version of the Booklet "The Science of Marine Protected Areas" is finally available!

The Arabic version of the Booklet "The Science of ...

Through well-documented examples from the Mediterranean, this publication, translated into Arabic by UNEP/MAP - SPA/RAC, shows how well-planned and managed marine protected areas can help regenerate ...

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